How to Prepare Your Property or Business for Sale

Before advertising your property, business, franchise, or land on the marketplace, it’s important to make sure everything is ready for potential interested parties. Here’s how to prepare:

  1. Gather Important Documents: Ensure you have all necessary documentation ready, such as ownership papers, financial statements (for businesses), and any legal agreements related to the property or franchise.
  2. Clean and Present the Property: First impressions matter. If you're selling a property, make sure it’s clean, well-maintained, and presentable. For businesses, ensure the premises are organised and appealing to buyers.
  3. Set a Realistic Price: Research similar properties or businesses in the area to set a competitive price. Overpricing can deter interested parties, while a fair price will attract more serious buyers.
  4. Highlight Unique Features: Identify what makes your property or business stand out. Whether it’s a prime location, high growth potential, or specific features, make sure you can present these as selling points.
  5. Prepare for Questions: Interested parties will likely have a range of questions about finances, zoning, or future development potential. Be ready to provide detailed answers to help build trust and confidence.

Proper preparation ensures a smoother selling process and helps you attract more serious enquiries.